Monday 26 October 2009

Secret wisdom, a poetic expression of truth from the heart

Some very skilled scientists and researchers have come up with so called prophecies regarding me and another, I discovered a few days ago. I would call it science for the reason that things such as foresight and telepathy are the science of the future of human beings wether it is commonly accepted or not. It described in detail how I look and behave, things that have happened to me as an individual and in relation to my brother/sister in spirit AT A VERY RECENT TIME. It was written for him and me to see, or one of us and gives advice on how to handle things.

Or rather, how he should handle me (yeah I'm one extremely tough cookie) and what I have done to find out who we are here and now. What happened in Sumer to all of us that lived there once. I saw our family tree, our "gene pools" and how we are connected. It makes my stomach turn and that is one of the ways I know what this is.

I was not really prepared to see my life and story being laid out like this, neither to see that what I have been trying to deny all along was in fact true. This is what I had to see, that these beings who wrote this are not programmed in difference to most I have seen. They are being guided by our kind. Cause they know me and my struggle, everything. To think we don't know sorrow or difficulties, is foolish.

Not only was it being a priestess, and I was wondering about the loyal actions of those who do not speak out loud. I have heard why and who they are, these silent warriors. My family. Those that don't even often speak to me as manifested in this world. The solitary ones, when they find their true purpose there is nothing to be discussed with people about either their human theories and systems, faith or destiny in this world. I'm not fighting neither darkness or light, they are both integrated in my being.

So long I was adviced to discriminate, the way the stars were positioned when I was born was saying the same thing. I tried not to, wanted to be fair and thought that will for good things and being nice would solve all problems. Now I realize that there is no other way. I gave the wrong people attention, they were stealing time and energy. Gifts and charity are not the same thing. It's not about either elite races or humans being divine and argumenting about it forever, but about the strength of individuals in the current situation and the state of their soul. There is no secret plot from "royal bloodlines", and even if there was you are not better off as one or the other. The ones that could really benefit from this if they wanted power don't even speak to humans. You can still get fucked no matter where you stand on this planet, it's all about intention. I'm on the side of those with a spine straight as the djed pillar, no matter what your origins are.

I will not reveal the source of this information I have found, knowing there are those that would once again try to work against the inevitable and give me grief for some time enough for them to think they have the upper hand for one moment in this grain of sand that you call time. What I would like to know from these malignant beings is, why do you want me and my brother harm just for loving eachother? What is the reason of being so simple minded as to speak about things such as "mother and son" (spiritually) in an illegitimate union when you don't know what you are speaking of? And why are you spreading lies and hatred among those that you don't think are superior to you, and have the delusional idea that they will fall for it? As they are indeed more evolved, you will not succeed. I have proved this over and over by removing you from the places you have been roaming about in making trouble and telling lies. Like confused children you have been reaping rotten fruit that YOU will eat. There are maggots in it and you will become as them. Not by my hand, by universal justice alone. Human beings often try to change everything that is different than your norms and make it look like useless and weak not to feel inferior in your ignorance.

Unconditional love is also about being able to let someone know when they go too far, even leaving them to their own path. O have I been weak and crying, thought I was dying. No more. I will continue to cry but not for the wrong reasons and people. I don't care if my flesh dies anymore.

Now we put on another song and you will hear it, some will like it and others will not but the bottom line is that no matter what kin you belong to things will change and parts will be put together again like the cube in Hellraiser. Depending on what you have done to support the love between what fell into pieces and what was left on the other side to seek it out, the fruit will be known for all to see. I remember just ONE kind word if you have said it. I remember just ONE act you have done to harm, prevent or delay our union.

I am not speaking from the place of revenge of any sort but passion. I do not desire to strike anyone.

I was never one that would try to get a man that doesn't truly belong with me. I would have let him go, if he was to go to another. This for the reason that I DIDN'T KNOW and DIDN'T CARE what all of this really meant, to feed my ego or feel better about myself. And I'm glad for that now. I was told by people who I was or not, like they would actually know. I told myself I was Nothing and children called me No one.

"Trust yourself or be ignorant and listen to others" I have been screaming to myself while trying to block out some of your voices that didn't do me any good. I expected nothing and I still don't. All I ever wanted was love and not the ignorant kind, but the one that strikes as a sword into my heart and brings me to my knees. And this, I denied to know it's true ways and how it doesn't give up through ages.

We were and are discovering a dual world in all it's glory, a world with such beauty diversity that people wanted to rape it to feel more secure and in power. Did you not recognize me when I was crawling in the dirt, poor as the seemingly lowest in your greedy cultures? The purest are still living in tune with nature.

I finally picked up the phone, and the missing parts found me in the least expected places. Thank you for not giving up sweetie.

The jewels I wear in your dreams and visions are the inner riches and it will manifest on the outside soon enough. They are infinite and were given by the love of my kindred soul, The One and only.



  1. I was crying when i finished reading, to many voices bringing up the past unleashing tears that burn my face. All I wanted and needed was a hug.

  2. It is and will be fine, all I wanted and needed was to give you one and you will have it if that is what you still wish for. Love, ME
