Thursday 22 October 2009

Dual snakes and Dark Sun horoscope

I like the Baron's dark sun astrology blog for this weeks planetary movements:

"Sagittarius: The Violence of Creation

The Sun’s movement into Scorpio this Friday marks the beginning of a slow fall of energies and events into your subconscious. Your hidden heartstrings will be strummed over the coming weeks, producing a haunting soundtrack that will follow you for the next month. Fortunately, those heartstrings belong to a guitar, and the haunting soundtrack will be death metal. A symphony worthy of creating (or destroying) a world."

Scorched earth with venus in capricorn and sun in sagittarius...

My guts feels like molten lead now and then. Some say that Irkalla has frozen for the first time in ages which makes me smile. Brother asked to cover it in ice as he loves the cold. Hence the saying "when hell freezes over" and I laugh by the thought of it.

"It is hard to get past the careful icy surface to the solid earth below, but it is fact that after you are buried to a certain point in earth..... the temperature remains safe and constant. With Venus in the sign of Saturn, you may have bouts of melancholy that take you deep into a dark place."

This video could be a good part of it:

I don't mind having this kind of music as the soundtrack for the coming month. Things like this are often haunting me, but what would life be without them? Maybe I will fall far down into the darkness and be inspired to create or destroy something again, which is fun. Oh, so fun that I can't wait. I'm looking forward to what will come. Gloom makes me happy and if someone wants to die I say "welcome to my party". Autumn is making me feel alive, the pretty colors and freshness in the air raises my spirit(or lowers it, however you prefer to see it) from the exhausting and sweaty warmth of the summer that made me kind of depressed and tired.Strong sunlight gives me headache. I'm a woman of the cooler seasons and nights.

I found a couple papers written in 2006 or so with some dark thoughts that suited the past weeks melancholy about always living with bleeding wounds, and this:

"The love and hate slithers tighter and tighter around me like two snakes and I lose my breath.
My eyes don't want to see and my mouth doesn't want to speak. When multiple lives and worlds are merged and the destiny of earth screams so it echoes in my head there is nothing that can shut it out"

I can't really describe what this made me feel about religion...
Here is what you have created with the paradise you had while looking for another in heaven, and waiting for Jesus to come back to save you from your own greed and stupidity:

And finally, some humour to make you laugh at the misery

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