Thursday 22 October 2009

An interesting discussion about love and life

It does not matter who has said this, let's say the participants are anonymous. However unlike some, I haven't stolen this from someones computer or account and have a right to use it.

Surya Serapsi: you asked me what I would do with the wicked ones brought to you and your family
F R: yes
Surya Serapsi: I would forgive them
F R: yes...I like
Surya Serapsi: is that why you want them?
F R: Yes... mostly
Surya Serapsi: what more
F R: No one is completely wicked
Surya Serapsi: of course not
F R: need the energy
Surya Serapsi: for what
F R: what do you think?
Surya Serapsi: you can make your own
F R: yes... what do you mean?
Surya Serapsi: I'm a mother of the dark ones at least as much as humans, I take in those who need it and would protect them
F R: Is that how you make energy?
Surya Serapsi: I make my own
F R: how?
Surya Serapsi: desire, love...different emotions or just energy work, sharing with earth
F R: But, the problem lies in the fact that there is only so much energy in the eternal.
F R: therefore you can not make energy from nothing
F R: What I am doing is changing my body into the eternal energy... I give up myself and evolve that energy into the eternal... creating a higher plane based energy... it is a sacrifice...just as the christ...evolving
F R: therefore I do not need to make energy from nothing
F R: if others will do this... there will be an overflowing
F R: I will become something else... with a higher consciousness
F R: to better change the conscious human mind
Surya Serapsi: infinity and eternity are twins...I have no intent of giving myself up to anything higher than I always have been neither would I use the energy of any other being to do that
F R: ok
Surya Serapsi: energy springs from me, I give life in all planes
F R: yes
Surya Serapsi: and one source is earth
F R: yes...but I am man
F R: how will I return to you?
F R: without dying
F R: and in that regard, heal myself and the earth?
F R: I have to 'CHANGE'
Surya Serapsi: I said I would carry you and let you feed on me, it generates things
F R: yes
F R: but you will run out of energy... and this will have to start all over again
F R: and death will consume again
Surya Serapsi: death is imaginary
Surya Serapsi: I have died a thousand deaths
F R: as you see it yes...I have to 'CHANGE'
F R: I am mankind
F R: we are getting nowhere... these discussions do not help our cause( my cause maybe) is as if you do not know who I am... or are keeping me on a tread mill in a way
Surya Serapsi: the change lies in remembering the state of being whole, seeing yourself fixing the corrupt DNA and lighting it up
F R: I do not understand why you do not understand me
F R: yes
Surya Serapsi: cause nothing was ever lost it was just forgotten
F R: yes
F R: man has changed
F R: we were given clothes of skin
F R: genesis
F R: we did not like that we were naked... clothes of skin
F R: like an animal
F R: god 'fashioned' them for us
F R: we must 'CHANGE'
Surya Serapsi: slaves were fashioned but the true children will change when they remember their angelic state
Surya Serapsi: you are overseeing a teenager now there is no need to babysit
Surya Serapsi: they had to make their mistakes there is nothing wrong with that, the rebellion frees them from bondage of slavery and social programming
Surya Serapsi: sheep are clones that is why they think alike
F R: ok
F R: yes
Surya Serapsi: I love you and I won't let anyone of you die
F R: then how will you save them?...mankind
Surya Serapsi: those who choose to save themselves will that is the whole idea with having free will
Surya Serapsi: if you can't hear you can't live
F R: then what of the others? " you wont let anyone of them die"
Surya Serapsi: what would you do with them
F R: 'CHANGE' them
Surya Serapsi: you can't against their will
F R: then what becomes of their energy?... that is not against their will.
Surya Serapsi: some don't want to continue
Surya Serapsi: I know some of them are consumed
F R: then change them
Surya Serapsi: why?
F R: they are part of the eternal energy... the act trying to change them dictates intent
Surya Serapsi: they change to what they want, that is the intent
Surya Serapsi: I don't want to dictate
F R: ok
F R: I will try to change them... and you can try to let free will kill them... I am man, and you are earth
Surya Serapsi: some want to become a part of earth
Surya Serapsi: there are infinite possibilities
F R: yes
Surya Serapsi: I am not submissive to a man
Surya Serapsi: lol
F R: lol
Surya Serapsi: I am not just earth I am a black hole that creates stars too
Surya Serapsi: the black sun
F R: ok
Surya Serapsi: sirius with the's all in harmony
Surya Serapsi: like a song

From The heart of the Master by Crowley:

"His head is slightly bowed as if he brooded some delight. He wears a helm of ruddy gold, radiant with the light of the Star.
In the midst of his brows is a black diamond in a circlet of ruby and emerald, set in pure mother-of-pearl, so that it seems the eye of some unknown,
some unknowable God. This eye has no lid.
There is a tawny Lion, from whose mouth drops honey.

He roars aloud, and the word thereof is this: The Wrath of the Master is the Energy of Love.

There is a buffalo Cow, grey-blow, whose udders overflow with milk, and her lowing means: The Work of the Master is the Nourishment of Life.

There is a Babe, that with his tiny hands presses out blood from his own breast, and smileth: The Way of the Master is the Innocence of Liberty.

Also, a Golden Eagle, bearing a Chalice of Wine, crying aloud: The Woe of the Master is the Rapture of Light.

By Wisdom forms He matter and space and time,
Experience to sublime.
By Virtue spends He His own life through all;
Mercy majestical.
By Energy revolves He all in stress
Of Change, the limitless.
By Order gathers He the worlds of Light
In Beauty infinite.
By Love destroys He all to recreate
Fresh Phantasies to Fate.
By Reason reckons He His governance,
The Wonder of His Chance.
By Purity absolves He all His Will
From every image of Ill.
In Silence He resumes each perfect part
To rapture of His Heart,
His, in whose Truth of Nature all things are,
The Still and Shining Star. "

Surya Serapsi: Love has made us immortal, that is the key. How else would you resurrect?
F R: If I woke up tomorrow and could not remember anything...
all I would have is my LOVE.

This love what Surya talks about is not the kind that disappears, neither the kind that is without pain in the flesh like some whitelighters and Jesus worshippers would claim that one can have on earth. It can be still or violent, it hurts like an open wound and it won't get better until every person has gone through the change they desire towards uniting their opposites or destroying themselves.
It hurts to heal and we/you/they are still broken.

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